The skin definition file is used to create a set of backgrounds and matching text defintions
so that the developer of the Photo Booth can create
a custom look for the Photo Booth or use one of the three standard looks: Curtains, Party or Wedding
A skin definitions is made up following things:
Skin Name
The skin name entered is the name used by the main screen to select the skin.
Locations on Opening Screen
The Opening Screen has a welcome message and up to 8 icons for Image Definitions. The first two edit boxes define the center of the message as a percentage of the screen.
The next four numbers define a box that will contain the Image Definition Icons.
Text Font, Color and Size
Because different backgrounds will have different colors it is important to choose fonts, colors and sizes for the fonts that will be used on the screens.
Skin Image Folder
This dialog will locate the folder where the background images are stored. The select folder must contain the following backgrounds:
BackgroundChoiceBack.png - background choice page scroll back arrows
BackgroundChoiceForward.png - background choice page scroll forwards arrows
ChooseBackground.jpg - the background for background choice page
ChooseImageToUse.jpg - the background for the choose image page
ChooseMultiBackground.jpg - the background used for output with multiple images
ChooseOutput.jpg - Output page background
OpeningPageBackground.jpg - Opening Page background
ProgressPageBackground.jpg - Progress page backgrounds
ThankyouPageBackground.jpg - the background for the Thank you page
BackgroundChoicePageBackground.jpg - the background for background choice page
The system ships with three skins: Curtains, Party and Wedding skin folders. You can modify them or create whole new skins.